FEEDBACK SURVEY We would appreciate you taking some time to complete the feedback form to help us improve how we do things at Pre-school Playgroup. Your opinion counts & is completely anonymous. I have found my parent’s evening discussion useful and informative Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeNext: Q2 of 11I feel well informed about my childs progress and I know what my child’s next steps are Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q3 of 11My child is confident and happy at playgroup Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q4 of 11If I had a worry or concern with any aspect of my child’s care I would feel comfortable raising it Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q5 of 11The activities offered at Playgroup are stimulating and exciting Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q6 of 11My child makes good progress at Playgroup Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q7 of 11Communication between Playgroup and parents is good and I feel well informed about what is happening Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q8 of 11Tapestry helps me be involved in my child’s development Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q9 of 11I find the extended opening hours useful (8-5 on Tues-Thurs) and the hours are sufficient for our needs Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q10 of 11I would use extended hours on a Monday and/or Friday 8-5pm if they were offered Strongly AgreeAgreeUncertain / Does not applyDisagreeStrongly DisagreeBackNext: Q11 of 11Any other comments Back Call Us