We would appreciate you taking some time to complete the feedback form to help us improve how we do things at Pre-school Playgroup. Your opinion counts & is completely anonymous.

    I have found my parent’s evening discussion useful and informative

    I feel well informed about my childs progress and I know what my child’s next steps are

    My child is confident and happy at playgroup

    If I had a worry or concern with any aspect of my child’s care I would feel comfortable raising it

    The activities offered at Playgroup are stimulating and exciting

    My child makes good progress at Playgroup

    Communication between Playgroup and parents is good and I feel well informed about what is happening

    Tapestry helps me be involved in my child’s development

    I find the extended opening hours useful (8-5 on Tues-Thurs) and the hours are sufficient for our needs

    I would use extended hours on a Monday and/or Friday 8-5pm if they were offered

    Any other comments

    Why not stay upto date with our latest news, announcements and activites by following us on facebook?

    Find Us
    Radcliffe on Trent Preschool Playgroup
    Infant & Junior School Site
    Bingham Road
    Radcliffe on Trent
    NG12 2FU

    Registered Charity Number: 1041665
    OFSTED No: